2014年12月21日 星期日

May I present - Winter Field - to you?

Model: Winter Field
Category: Wedding Bouquet
Price: HKD900
Description: Keya White Roses, Keya Burgundy Mini Roses, Ornamental Cabbage and Seasonal Greenaries
(肯亞白玫瑰, 肯亞白色酒紅小玫瑰, 葉牡丹, 鳳尾及紫天星)


Little Red Hoop - Wedding Bouquet

Little Red Hoop - the latest design from Becky & Danny Flower

2014年12月10日 星期三

2014年11月23日 星期日

For you

My life will never be the same if I lose you. Although I am no longer young and wise but my feelings on you will last forever.

2014年11月18日 星期二

Blossom in Spring

Our latest design - Blossom in Spring
Let us savour this Winter with Soft Salmon Roses and Lilac Stock.

Becky & Danny Flower (www.facebook.com/beckyndannyflower)




Becky and Danny Flower
Becky and Danny Flower是一間一站式禮品專門店, 素來以實惠的價錢為客人提供高品質的花藝產品為宗旨。希望藉著貼心的創作,為每一位客人以花藝將最珍貴的一刻留住!本店特設的訂製服務務亦深受客戶的喜愛,是每一位都市人的最佳之選!

現推出2015年座台月曆, 月曆內集合了本店最受客戶喜愛之花藝相片, 讓大家時刻與美麗同在! 花藝月曆現售HKD188一個 (包本地平郵)!
可以於11月30日前電郵(catherine.fyn@gmail.com) 訂購!

2014年10月23日 星期四

Becky & Danny Flower Notice

Becky & Danny Flower 由現在起只接受於6個月內送貨的訂單, 即現在只接受2014年10月至2015年3月的訂單! 於這段期間以外的訂單只接受查詢!

謝謝, 祝你們有愉快的一天!

Becky & Danny Flower only accepts orders that deliver within 6 months, which means it refers to the period from October 2014 to March 2015. No orders will be accepted shall they are beyond that period, however you are more than welcome to contact us for enquries.

Thanks and have a lovely day!



2014年10月16日 星期四

Flower in the Box - A Funny Day

Flower in the Box - A Funny Day
Please email catherine.fyn@gmail.com  to order
Plus, don't forget to visit us on our Facebook Page

Autumn / Winter 2014 Wedding Flower Arrangement Package

Autumn / Winter 2014 Wedding Flower Arrangement Package from HKD1200 up.
Please visit Becky & Danny Facebook Page for more details.

2014年10月4日 星期六

2014年10月1日 星期三

Birthday Bouquet

Model: A Charming You
Category: Hand Tied Bouquet
Price: HKD800
Description: 10 Temptation Roses, 10 Light Pink Roses, 1 White Hydrangea and Seasonal Greenery

Halloween is coming to town!

Early Bird Notice

Please visit Becky & Danny Flower facebook for more details!

2014年9月27日 星期六

Subtle Beauty - Elegance

Wedding Bouquet - Elegance
Wedding Bouquet - Elegance

Wedding Corsage

Mrs. Elegant - tulip corsage
Mr. Elegant - rose corsage

2014年9月18日 星期四

Sweet Fairy Bouquet


 Sweet Fairy Bouquet

2014年9月17日 星期三

Creation of the day - Big Day


A brunch of deep red roses which suit for Chinese Style Wedding very much. This is why I name it Big Day.

2014年9月16日 星期二

In Your Arms & Flower Dance

My new creation of the day, In Your Arms. This name pop in my mind after I finished this shot. The corsage beside the small bouquet is called Flower Dance. Enjoy.

2014年9月11日 星期四

Flower of the day - Freshly Picked

My latest hand tied bouquet, Freshly Picked, it is suitable for both wedding and occasional use, it is made of 6 Yellow & Red Carnations, 12 Orange & Red Mini Carnations, 2 stems Star of Bethlehem, 12 stems Verbena Hybrida and Seasonal Greenery. I definitely count it as the most satisfied creation of mine lately. Have an extra happy Friday!

Hand Tied Bouquet for Summer Wedding

Please also visit our facebook in the link below.

Becky & Danny Flower

Please also visit our facebook in the link below.
Dear all
I would like to share an incredile thing with all of you. Becky & Danny Flower, an on-line flower shop which I set up on 29 August 2014, just 3 days after my 31st Birthday. This is such an extraordinary and amazing experience in my life that I have my own small business and meanwhile I am actually fond of it.
Now let me present some of my latest design to all of you. They are basically two natural corsages for wedding purpose. They are mainly made of a kind of flower called Star of Bethlehem, what a wonderful yet innocent name, as I know Bethlehem is the place that Jesus was born.
Let me know shall you have any advice on these corsages. 
With Love,

2014年7月15日 星期二

Late Afternoon Tea @ Cova (2 July 2014)

Late Afternoon Tea @ Cova (2 July 2014)

在完成了馬拉松式的面試後, 簡直餓昏了, 一心走到Simplylife食個靚靚下午茶, 可惜餐廳經理傳來惡夢般的消息, 只不過是下午6時下午茶已停止供應了, 最後只好拖住疲倦雙腿, 轉戰唯一想到而且亦有可能繼續供應下午茶的地方 – Cova!!!
來到Cova絕對是我的救星, 一手放下公事包在椅子上, 已立即飛奔蛋糕櫃前, 分別挑選了TiramisuMango Cheese Cake, 再快手點了杯香濃咖啡 在等待侍應為我送上食物的途中, 我找到了亮點, 原來女星羽翹與朋友坐在我對面, 她真人真是很美, 雖然只是以便服打扮, 但樣子非常出眾, 而且進餐亦十分優雅。真的感覺非常幸運, 整天的疲勞一掃而空呢!

回到正題, 當點了蛋糕後, 好像等了10分鐘以上, 蛋糕及咖啡才由侍應慢慢送上, 但也阻礙不了我對Cova蛋糕的偏愛, 由其是Tiramisu!!最喜歡就是這裏的Tiramisu上面永遠灑上滿滿的朱古力粉, 而且是用上大量優質的Mascarpone Cream Cheese, 底層更是沉滿香濃Espresso的手指餅及蛋糕, 好像入口即溶, 每一口也令人回味無窮, 我想我只用了3分鐘就吃掉了這件Tiramisu接著是Mango Cheese Cake,這件Cheese Cake同樣是由Mascarpone Cream Cheese加芒果肉製成, 所以每一口也軟棉棉, 好像吃Mousse一樣, 但同時也比較heavy。如果與即滿咖啡香朱古力香的Tiramisu比較, 我偏向Tiramisu!


後不可不提Cova咖啡, 真的好正, 既香亦同時帶點微苦, 不帶半點酸味, 非常溫和, starbuckspacific coffeeregular coffee優勝!

電話: 2265 8688

意料之外的美味 – Tuna Panini (9 July 2014)

意料之外的美味 Tuna Panini (9 July 2014)

今天因有事在身, 沒空午餐, 終於到下午茶時間, 餓到肚都偏了, 路過Pacific Coffee隨即點了 Tuna PaniniHKD38Tall Size Regular CoffeeHKD22進餐

正當店員欲替我焙熱Tuna Panini, 我匆匆請她不要焙太久, 否則過乾。約等了3分鐘, 終於可以取走熱辣辣的Tuna Panini焙熱的意式麵包外脆內軟, 內面餡料十足, 頭一層是半溶化的芝士, 2層是微甜的紅洋蔥, 第三層是1cm厚的吞拿魚醬, 用料十足, 非常美味, 可能我真是太餓了, 所以只用了10分鐘已經鯨可吞了整份Tuna Panini! 如果我個胃尚有位我可能會打包多份回家!!!其實這是我第一次在Pacific CoffeeTuna Panini, 平時我只點選我最愛的栗米炸雞包(die hard fan!!),但這次的Tuna Panini卻是意料之外的美味!!所以在這是我推介比大家快靚正之選!!!

地址: 將軍澳貿業路8號新都城中心二期11041號舖
電話: 3194 4341


It is not how good you are but how good you want.
